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Showing posts with the label Best Practices

Diesel Generator Dos & Don'ts: Best Practices for Efficient Operation

Diesel Generator – Dos & Don'ts Dos: Idle the Engine Before Shutdown Allow the engine to idle for 3 to 5 minutes before shutting down. This helps the lubricating oil and coolant carry heat away from critical components like the combustion chamber, bearings, and shafts. Monitor Oil Pressure Oil pressure must be indicated on the gauge within 15 seconds after starting. If oil pressure is not indicated, shut off the engine immediately. Maintain Proper Oil Temperature Oil temperature should range between 75°C to 105°C. Shut off the engine if there is any sudden increase in oil temperature. Ensure Correct Coolant Temperature Coolant temperature should be maintained between 75°C to 95°C. Monitor Engine Pressure At 105°C, normal engine pressure should be between: 3 to 7 kg/cm² at rated speed. 1 to 2 kg/cm² at idle. Don'ts: Avoid Long Periods of Idling Extended idling lowers combustion chamber temperature, leading to incomplete fuel burn. This can cause carbon buildup, clogging in...