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Showing posts from January, 2020

Step by Step Guide to Earth Pit Resistance Measurement – SOP for Accurate Testing

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Earth Pit Resistance Measurement Fig - Earth Resistance Tester Wiring Objective To measure the earth pit resistance accurately using an Earth Resistance Tester. Equipment Required Earth Resistance Tester (with four terminals: P1, P2, C1, and C2) Two terminal rods (for current and potential measurement) Measuring tape Hammer (for driving rods into the ground) Procedure Step 1: Preparation Clean the Earth Pit Properly – Remove any debris or obstruction around the earth pit to ensure proper connection. Check the Earth Resistance Tester – Ensure the tester is in good working condition. The tester should have four terminals: P1, P2, C1, and C2 . Check if the pointer reads zero when the equipment is not in use. If required, adjust the zero adjustment screw to set the pointer at zero. Step 2: Connection Setup Short terminals P1 and C1 and connect them to the earth pit electrode whose resistance needs to be measured. Position the terminal r...

What is 5S METHODOLOGY and Its Objectives ?

5S Methodology Objective, Identify, reduce and eliminate waste Enhance teamwork Enhance operation effectiveness in a better working environment Form the basic advanced model for Productivity and Quality Improvement. As each 5S management techniques begins with an S, this approach has been named 5S. Fig - 5S Methodology SORT To sort and systematically discard items that are not needed in the workplace. SET IN ORDER To arrange necessary items in a neat and systematic manner so that they can be easily retrieved for use and to return after use. SHINE To clean and inspect the workplace thoroughly so that there is no dirt on the floor, machines and equipment. STANDARDISE To maintain a high standard of workplace organisation by keeping everything clean and orderly at all times. SUSTAIN To train people to practise the 5S system continuously so that it becomes habitual and ingrained in the culture of the organisation.

Types of Cleaning Agents using in Hospitality Industry

Types of Cleaning Agents Cleaning agents are the most important in Housekeeping department in their day to day operations to keep the room clean. Taski is a specific products which is mostly used in HK industry, these cleaning agents are used with specific codes to understand better in HK industry eg: R1, R2, R3 ('R' Stands for 'Room Care'.). Lets see here Taski products with details Fig - Types of Taski Chemicals and Usage TASKI R1 Bathroom cleaner and Sanitizer Area to be cleaned: All bathroom surfaces, sink, tub, tiles, floors and fittings Dilution: For cleaning : 20 ml in 1 ltr water For sanitizing : 50 ml in 1 ltr water Using: • Spray directly on the surface to be cleaned • Leave for 2 seconds • Scrub if necessary and wipe surface with clean and dry cloth • Replace cloth regularly TASKI R2 Area to be cleaned: All types of floor and walls How to Dilute: Normal soiling: 20 - 40 ml in 1 ltr. water Heavy soiling: 50 ml in 1 ltr. wat...

Important components of a Diesel Engine - Turbocharger

Important components of a Diesel Engine Turbocharger A turbocharger can significantly increase an engine’s horsepower without adding significant weight. It enhances engine performance by forcing more air into the combustion chamber, enabling better fuel combustion. A turbocharger is made up of two main sections: The turbine and the compressor.  The turbine consists of the turbine wheel and the turbine housing.  It is the job of the turbine housing to guide the exhaust gas into the turbine wheel. The energy from the exhaust gas turns the turbine wheel, and the gas then exits the turbine housing through an exhaust outlet area. The compressor also consists of two parts: the compressor wheel and the compressor housing.  The compressor’s mode of action is opposite that of the turbine. The compressor wheel is attached to the turbine by a forged steel shaft, and as the turbine turns the compressor wheel, the high-velocity spinning draws in air and c...

Diesel Generator Maintenance Guide: A, B, C & D Check Procedures

Diesel Generator Maintenance Checklist A-CHECK (DAILY MAINTENANCE) Cleaning - Clean engine and premises. Checking Engine Oil Level - Ensure oil is between H and L marks on the dipstick, top up if required. Checking Coolant System - Verify coolant level in radiator, top up with premix coolant if needed. Inspect belt condition. Checking Fuel System - Inspect fuel strainer, clean breather on fuel tank, drain sediments/water from fuel water separator, and refill fuel tank at end of the day. Checking Air System - Monitor vacuum indicator for air restriction (red band). Inspect air filter sealing and condition. Other Checks Check for leaks and rectify if needed. Run engine and record all parameters. Checking Battery System Voltage should be above 26V. Ensure battery terminal tightness (use an insulated spanner). Check specific gravity using a hydrometer (1.21-1.24 or 1220-1250). B-CHECK (EVERY 225-250 HRS. OR 6 MONTHS, WHICHEVER IS EARLIER) Changing Lubrication Oil - Warm up and sto...

Diesel Generator Q&A: Troubleshooting Smoke, Over Speeding & Maintenance Tips

Diesel Generator Question & Answer - 1 1. Why should a DG set not be run with full fuel in the tank? Answer: A full fuel tank creates improper pressure across fuel lines, leading to excessive black smoke emission. 2. Why is bleeding required? Answer: The fuel system requires air bleeding under the following circumstances: The engine has not been operated for a long time. A fuel element has been replaced. The engine was started without opening the fuel cock and has run for some time. The feed pump is not functioning properly. There is leakage from fuel pipes or fuel filters. 3. How to remove Air Lock? Answer: Air lock can be removed using an air primer as per the steps below: Loosen the bleeding screw of the primary fuel filter. Unscrew the priming knob of the fuel pump, move it 10 to 15 times, until fuel flows out without air bubbles. Tighten the air vent screw and repeat for the secondary fuel filter. Finally, loosen the air vent screw of the fuel injection pump and remove air b...

Residual Current Device (RCD) Protection: How It Works & Safety Benefits

Residual Current Device (RCD) Protection What is an RCD? A Residual Current Device (RCD) trips the circuit when it detects an earth fault current, providing an extremely effective form of shock protection. How RCDs Work The amount of current flowing through the phase (line) should return through neutral. An RCD continuously monitors the current flow and detects any mismatch between the current flowing through phase and neutral. If an imbalance is detected, the RCD trips the circuit within 30 milliseconds, preventing potential electric shock or fire hazards. Common RCD Ratings and Their Applications 30 mA (milliamps) – Maximum permissible for personal shock protection. 100 mA – Provides enhanced shock protection, though not as sensitive as 30 mA. 300 mA – Maximum permissible for fire protection. Why Use RCDs? Prevents electric shock by cutting off power within milliseconds. Limits fire risks caused by earth faults. Detects faults early, preventing damage to electrical installations. P...

Fire Extinguishers: Types, Operation & Best Uses for Fire Classes

A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. Typically, a fire extinguisher consists of a hand held cylindrical pressure vessel containing an agent which can be discharged to extinguish a fire. There are two operation types of fire extinguishers:  i. Stored pressure  ii. Cartridge operated  Stored Pressure  In stored pressure units, the expellant is stored in the same chamber as the fire fighting agent itself. Depending on the agent used, different propellants are used. With dry chemical extinguishers, nitrogen is typically used; water and foam extinguishers typically use air.  Cartridge Operated  Cartridge-operated extinguishers contain the expellant gas in a separate cartridge that is punctured prior to discharge, exposing the propellant to the extinguishing agent. This type is not as common, used primarily in areas such as industrial ...

Fire Triangle: Understanding Fire Control & Prevention Systems

Fire Triangle Flames require fuel, oxygen, and heat to sustain combustion, a concept known as the Fire Triangle. Fire extinguishers work by removing one of these elements through the application of an agent that either cools the burning fuel, removes fuel, or displaces the surrounding oxygen. The Basic Concept of Fire Control Removing Heat (Cooling) Heat can be removed by applying a substance that reduces the temperature and limits the heat available for the fire reaction. Removing Fuel (Starving) A fire ceases when its fuel source is eliminated. This can be done manually, mechanically, or chemically by removing or isolating the fuel from the fire. Reducing Oxygen (Smothering) A fire requires oxygen to sustain combustion. Reducing oxygen concentration slows or stops the combustion process. Fire Prevention Systems in a Building Fire prevention systems are categorized into: Active Fire Protection (AFP) AFP consists of systems and equipment that require motion and response to function ...

Diesel Generator Dos & Don'ts: Best Practices for Efficient Operation

Diesel Generator – Dos & Don'ts Dos: Idle the Engine Before Shutdown Allow the engine to idle for 3 to 5 minutes before shutting down. This helps the lubricating oil and coolant carry heat away from critical components like the combustion chamber, bearings, and shafts. Monitor Oil Pressure Oil pressure must be indicated on the gauge within 15 seconds after starting. If oil pressure is not indicated, shut off the engine immediately. Maintain Proper Oil Temperature Oil temperature should range between 75°C to 105°C. Shut off the engine if there is any sudden increase in oil temperature. Ensure Correct Coolant Temperature Coolant temperature should be maintained between 75°C to 95°C. Monitor Engine Pressure At 105°C, normal engine pressure should be between: 3 to 7 kg/cm² at rated speed. 1 to 2 kg/cm² at idle. Don'ts: Avoid Long Periods of Idling Extended idling lowers combustion chamber temperature, leading to incomplete fuel burn. This can cause carbon buildup, clogging in...

Diesel Generator Emission Control: Reducing Pollution & Enhancing Efficiency

Diesel Generator Smoke Types & Safety Tips: Prevent Hazards & Improve Efficiency

Diesel Generator Smoke & Safety Tips Black Smoke – Caused by overload or lack of fuel air mixture in the combustion chamber. Blue Smoke – Occurs when lubrication oil mixes with fuel. Check the piston rings. White Smoke – Indicates water contamination in the fuel. Key Diesel Generator Parameters Diesel Density: 0.832 kg/L Energy Output: 3.6 kWh per liter Efficiency Range: 40% to 60% Safety Tips for Diesel Generator Operation Proper Earthing Ensure 2 neutral earthing and 2 body earthing for single DG. For multiple DGs, use 2 separate neutral earthings and 2 common body earthings. Fuel Safety Store generator fuel safely in a closed container with proper labeling. Never attempt to inject fuel into the tank while the generator is in operation as it is highly hazardous. Battery Handling Precautions Avoid using metallic objects to clean battery terminals to prevent electrical shorts. Keep batteries away from fuses or switches to prevent sparks and potential fire hazards. Ensure proper v...

Diesel Generator AUTO Mode: Step by Step Startup & Shutdown Procedure

Starting procedure for Diesel Generators in "AUTO" mode Ensure the Emergency Stop switch in the DG panel is in the released condition. Set the Selector switch in the DG panel to "Remote" mode. Keep the DG and EB ACB in "Remote" mode in the relevant Main Distribution Board (MDB). Verify that the lube oil level is within the allowable limit. Check the day tank diesel level (should be above 75%). Ensure the radiator water is filled up to the brim. Confirm that the batteries are in a fully charged condition. If the Transformer Circuit Breaker (CB) trips or if power fails, the DG will start automatically. Monitor and verify the following parameters: DG Output Voltage Load Current Frequency Water Temperature Lube Oil Pressure Battery Voltage Day Tank Diesel Level Stopping procedure for Diesel Generators "AUTO" mode. If the EB (Electric Board) voltage resumes, the ACB will close automatically. The DG load transfers to EB supply, and the DG br...