The Aeration tank is at the heart of the treatment system.
The bulk of the treatment is provided here, employing microbes/bacteria for the process.
The main function of the Aeration tank is to maintain a high population level of microbes. This mixture is called MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids).
The mixed liquor is passed on to the clarifier tank, where the microbes are made to settle at the bottom.
The settled microbes are recycled back to the aeration tank. Thus they are retained for a long period within the system.
- Operation considerations include maintaining the correct design level of MLSS (biomass concentration) in the aeration tank.
- Problems arise both in the case of excess or shortage of biomass, causing an imbalance, leading to failure of the process.
- Visual observation will indicate if there is uniform aeration and mixing over the entire area of the tank.
- Local violent boiling/ bubbling is indicative of ruptured membranes.
- Dead zones on the sewage surface indicate that membranes are blocked from the air side or the liquid side.
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