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An alternator is an electromechanical device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of alternating current.
Parts of an Alternator:
1.Rotating Rectifier Diode (RRD):
It is to convert AC to DC.
2.Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR):
It senses the output voltage and gives a signal to the engine.
Working principle of an alternator:
•The Engine and the Alternator are connected through a shaft.
•When alternator rotates, due to residual magnetism in the stator, an electromotive force is induced which is nothing but AC.
•This AC voltage is rectified into DC by rotating rectifier diode.
•This DC voltage is then fed into the rotor of an alternator and thus induces an alternating current in its stator.
•This DC is given to the rotor, which cuts the magnetic lines and generating 400V at the stator of the alternator.
•This 3 phase alternating current is then fed to AVR.

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