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Showing posts with the label 5S METHODOLOGY

What is 5S METHODOLOGY and Its Objectives ?

5S Methodology Objective, Identify, reduce and eliminate waste Enhance teamwork Enhance operation effectiveness in a better working environment Form the basic advanced model for Productivity and Quality Improvement. As each 5S management techniques begins with an S, this approach has been named 5S. Fig - 5S Methodology SORT To sort and systematically discard items that are not needed in the workplace. SET IN ORDER To arrange necessary items in a neat and systematic manner so that they can be easily retrieved for use and to return after use. SHINE To clean and inspect the workplace thoroughly so that there is no dirt on the floor, machines and equipment. STANDARDISE To maintain a high standard of workplace organisation by keeping everything clean and orderly at all times. SUSTAIN To train people to practise the 5S system continuously so that it becomes habitual and ingrained in the culture of the organisation.